February 12, 2007


Vitamin C’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects may be useful for those with Arthritis.

We know that Vitamin C is rapidly depleted during inflammation. We also know it is used up in pain, stress, aging and by the use of anti-inflammatories such as aspirin. It has been noted that arthritis are generally low in Vitamin C.

Since about 1983, animal studies have consistently showed that antioxidants could reduce the level of free radicals associated with arthritis.

Now we have human research indicating that Vitamin E works better than a placebo in controlling pain from Osteo-Arthritis. In one study, Vitamin E improved the mobility of patients and reduced their need for pain medication.

This make sense because the free radicals increase dramatically in inflammation. The antioxidants could quench these, reduce the symptoms and possibly the progress of the disease.

[Source: Antioxidants by Dr Bruce Miller]

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